The 8 most important medical discoveries:
8 Anesthesia- Just two centuries ago, interventions such as amputations were performed by giving the patient a piece of wood to bite and endure pain. Luckily, anesthesia was discovered in the late 19th century.
7 Triple viral vaccine- The combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine was registered in 1971 by Maurice Hilleman and soon had a significant effect on the number of reported measles cases.
6 X-rays- A medical procedure as common as X-rays was discovered by accident. Its inventor was Wilhelm Conrad Röntge, who in 1895 discovered that his cathode ray tube could produce some unusual images.
5 Insulin- It was first isolated in 1921, by scientists at the University of Toronto who were later awarded the Nobel Prize for its discovery. The following year, 14-year-old Leonard Thompson became the first human being to receive artificial insulin after being near a diabetic coma.
4 Germ theory- The real cause of the disease - the germs - was discovered by several scientists, but the most important breakthrough came in 1854, when John Snow linked a cholera outbreak with a baby's diapers that contained the germ.
3 Penicillin- Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928, by accident, thanks to the fact that he left a Petri dish contaminated with Penicilium (a fungus) overnight and the next day discovered that there was a halo around the fungus where no bacteria had grown.
2 Smallpox vaccine -The smallpox vaccine was the first vaccine discovered. The credit goes to Edward Jenner, who in 1796 isolated smallpox from cows and used them as a successful vaccine. One of the greatest achievements in medical history.
1 DNA structure -As with many on our list, the discovery was the work of several people, but it was Francis Crick and James Watson who first produced the double helix model of DNA and subsequently won the Nobel Prize.
And in your opinion, what are the most important medical discoveries in history?
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