A spike in blood glucose causes a rise in insulin levels, which can increase the production of sex hormones called androgens, which are tied to skin health. When insulin levels are high, androgens lead to increased production of sebum and keratinocytes, which can leave skin feeling thick and oily and lead to unwanted breakouts. Studies have shown that having a low glycemic diet can lead to a reduction in acne problems [19, 20].

What is the role of androgens in men?

In people assigned male at birth (AMAB), androgens contribute to:

  • Deep voice (vocal cord lengthening).
  • Hair growth on the face, scalp, chest, underarms and genitals.
  • Sperm development.

Carbohydrates increase the absorption of tryptophan, which is converted in the brain to serotonin. That’s why after consuming carbohydrates people feel more calm and relaxed for a few hours (24).

Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan. Human body is not able to produce tryptophan so it has to be assumed with nutrients (19). Serotonin is a inhibitory neurotransmitter, it acts on sleep patterns, sexual behavior, sensation of appetite and pain perception. It also stimulates intestinal peristalsis. 

 Carbohydrates with low glycemic index (legumes, whole grains and fruits) have a relaxing effect due to the fact that do not cause large fluctuations in blood glucose levels and allow a reduced release of stress hormones. Contrary, the simple sugars, largely contained in industrial products, cause mood swings due to changes in blood glucose. The person becomes more irritable or less based on the blood glucose levels. Glucose also activates the dopaminergic system, effect similar to that one of drugs. This system, through the production of serotonin and norepinephrine, which gives a sense of calm and pleasure, pushes to persevere in taking certain substances (20, 23)

Sleep Studies in adult humans have indicated that more sleep occurs following a carbohydrate feeding, compared with water. In adult males, a liquid carbohydrate lunch has been reported to provide a longer postprandial sleeping time than no lunch 16· Carbohydrate drinks taken before bed time by older adults enhance sleep duration and quality17•

Brain functions such as thinking, memory, and learning are closely linked to glucose levels.

Red blood cells also use glucose only.

Fructose is a reducing sugar and forms osazone crystals. Fructose is found in fruit and is also found in honey. Fructose can be obtained in the body by action of sucrase on sucrose. Galactose is also a reducing sugar and forms rod shaped crystals (Campbell et al., 2010). 

If there isn't enough glucose in the brain, for example, neurotransmitters, the brain's chemical messengers, are not produced and communication between neurons breaks down. In addition, hypoglycemia, a common complication of diabetes caused by low glucose levels in the blood, can lead to loss of energy for brain function and is linked to poor attention and cognitive function.

From the first bite sugar sends a message to the brain, activating its reward system

This reward system is a series of electrical and chemical path systems across several different regions of the brain

Fructose, on the other hand, is a less direct source of energy. Independent of insulin, the liver converts fructose to glucose, lactate, and/or fatty acids before passing it to the blood stream where it can be oxidized in other tissues for energy.

The brain represent only 2 % of the body weight, but receives 15 % of the cardiac output; the brain accounts for 20 % of the oxygen consumption of the body and for 25 % of the total body glucose utilization

Rapidly the brain, starved of glucose, is unable to function normally; vision may be blurred, speech slurred and cognitive functioning is generally disrupted

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