Kidney involvement in multiorgan syndromes

 In kidney disease the renal symptoms are frequently associated with syndromes or complaints related to involvement of another organ, such as in kidney-lung (or pulmo-renal) syndromes HU with hemoptoe (in vasculitis or in Goodpasture syndrome), or in kidney-liver syndromes liver failure along with renal failure (e.g. hepatorenal syndrome). Behind a kidney-skin syndrome or a kidney-gastrointestinal tract syndrome or a kidney-central nervous system syndrome most frequently systemic autoimmune diseases (e.g. SLE, vasculitis, amyloidosis, hypereosinophylia syndrome, cryoglobulinaemia), or other systemic diseasis (eg. infections, inherited metabolic diseases) may be found. Acute kidney injury may also frequently be a part of an acute multi-organ failure syndrome.

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