Nerve impulse occur when membrane potential raise and fails
Na+ channel dia 300m^-2 in squid axon
Ca+ current is slower than Na+ curent
Most of passive current carried by K+
In early dev of organ AP Carried by Ca current than Na current
In human body, 4 gram NaCl per kg of weight
Action Potential
Resting potentials(sp pump) then depolarized(enter Na to cell) then Action potential then Neurotransmiter then Communication
Action Potential(AP) Alteration tend to heart desease, cardiac arithmia, death
AP of heart recorded to produce ECG
Food: Black Cumin(+), mouri, betel leaf(++)
When NaCl, Ca enter then K leave cell for better heart contraction
High Ca can damage mitocondria and increase oxidative stress
3 ion Na enter to cell then 1 ion Ca leave the cell
2 ion K enter the cell then 3 Na out
1 Na In then 1 H out
Greater the Na gradient the more glucose enter to the cell
If Na is out of cell is low the glucose transport stop
Na Glucose symporter lay on SP pump
50 million sp pump in each cell of kidney
Increasing Volt cause more Na channel open
First vitamin reduce glucose if vitamin is low then
Na reduce glucose if Na is low then
insulin reduce the glucose
When vitamin is low to low the glucose then insulin secrete
Na flow into rod outer segment of eye
Na chennel of eye is open but close due to increase Ca
Na enter to cell is hi in dark than light
Nacl receptor in mouth for test
The Na chennel called Enac that blocked by drug
Na for kidney to filter waste product
In dark Ca chennel is hi, glutamate release hi
in light Ca chennel is reduce, glutamate release is reduce
ECF: NaCl,Ca, Glu, Hco3
Icf: K,mg,po,Protien
Increase Ca active the Na Ca Exchanger
Increase Na active SP pump
Increase Ca Cause cell death
K channel open to close Ca channel
Dichlofenac sodium for Ca pump out from cell to contract mscle
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