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Salt or sodium chloride

Salt Benefit


1. Salt or sodium chloride (Nacl) is composed of approximately 40% sodium and 60% chlorine.

2. Salt is the largest source of sodium in our diet (> 90%). 

3. But there is another small part of sodium that is also ingested through meals, and that is added to food in manufacturing processes.



1. They are additives, flavors or preservatives. (For example, glutamate monosodium, which is used as a flavor enhancer.) In salt, the salty taste corresponds to chlorine (other forms of sodium or salts do not have the same taste).



1. Recommendations for salt intake: Why 5 grams? Although the daily physiological needs vary according to age, sex, weight, physiological state (growth, pregnancy, lactation), level of physical activity, state of health, etc ... our body does not need to consume high amounts of salt.




1. The average consumption of 5g of salt per day, which is equivalent to a full teaspoon of salt (the size of those of coffee) or 2g of sodium per day and that is guaranteed to be iodized salt *.

2. Salt = sodium x 2.5 (To calculate the salt content of a food, the grams of sodium indicated on the label must be multiplied by 2.5).



1. In Spain, the current data published by AESAN (Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition) on the consumption of salt of the Spanish population, indicate that 9.8g of salt are ingested per day, a figure much higher than that recommended. 

2. To achieve this 5g / day goal, you need to cut your current salt intake almost in half. The recommended 5g / day of salt are present in a balanced and varied diet.




1. Lack of iodine causes a series of disorders: endemic goiter, hypothyroidism, brain damage, cretinism, congenital anomalies, poor outcome of pregnancy and impaired cognitive and physical development. 

2.The recommended daily intake of iodine in people older than 2 years is 100-200 μg / d. Current WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations point to the need to reduce iodine deficiency globally by using iodized salt.




Salt requirements Salt (sodium) is essential for life, but it can also be harmful to health if consumed without potassium or your body does not have sufficient potassium because our body has in every cell sodium potassium pump(SP-pump). 

Sodium can transfer glucose from blood to cell. 

Without Sodium the glucose stored in blood.

Because Carbohydrate depend on sodium, and also sodium depend on potassium




You also read more benefit of Salt from this




 Our body only needs small amounts of salt (sodium) to function properly.
• Controlling the amount of water in the human body, maintaining the PH of the blood
• Regulating the body's fluids
• Helping the body to hydrate, introducing water into the cells

It is vital for:

• Helping to transmit nerve impulses and muscle relaxation, but many people consumes much more salt (sodium) than is necessary for good health. This affect the kidneys, which are the main regulators of sodium in the blood, maintaining the balance of sodium (Na) stored in our body for its optimal use. An excess of salt cannot be eliminated by the kidneys, to eliminate sodium by kidney potassium (K) must be needed, it accumulates in our blood attracting the water and increases the volume of circulating blood. This causes the heart to need to work harder to move the blood and pressure to raise causing high blood pressure, among other serious problems. Potassium also best mineral to reduce Blood pressure.


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